Cat Grooming Salon

Bad fur = an unhappy cat

I always tell customers that a cat’s fur is a mirror of its health. It is possible to tell by the condition of the fur if a cat is feeling well in its own skin. Bad fur means your cat is not happy and taking good care of the fur is therefore very important. While you are probably trying everything you can at home, most of the time you will probably be at your wit’s end.

  • Are you combing your cat everyday but does the fur still tangle?
  • Has the fur of your cat all of a sudden turned to felt?
  • Is the fur of your cat dirty or greasy?
  • Are you going crazy from all the cat hair everywhere?
  • Do you want to leave the care of your cat’s fur to a professional?

" Then Cats Only cat salon is the place to go! "



Cats Only cat salon provides solutions to all these problems. You will also return home with a lot of tips and tricks. And hopefully, this ensures a next visit to the salon can be delayed a bit longer. Remember, that it is always better to be prepared and cautious concerning the health and welfare of your cat.

In the Cats Only Salon, I don’t groom in an invasive way. I am cat friendly and work in a way that saves much of the fur. This means that I won’t randomly start to remove fur, pluck or shave. I offer groom treatments for all sorts, types and breeds of cats. All cats are welcome, no matter how much they love or hate to be groomed. My creativity allows me to almost always find a way to keep the treatment pleasant for each and every cat. I take the following precautions to ensure that a cat will leave with tangle-free fur, and won’t start to hate the salon:

  • The salon is completely free of dogs, or their scent.
  • I make sure there is enough time, work one-on-one and by appointment only.
  • Preferably, the owner stays in the room during the treatment.
  • The cat can sit on its own, familiar rug. I also use Feliway to reduce stress.
  • And most importantly: I work with cat-friendly techniques and without coercion measures.

N.B. All our services are subject to the terms and conditions of the Dibevo.